Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Gutsy Stuff

Patty here!

Has anyone ever told you that you have a second brain? It's true... Sort of. You know that feeling of "butterflies" you get right before a big meeting or first date? Well, underneath that feeling is a gut/brain connection so substantial, that our gut has earned the nickname, "Second Brain." Not only does our gut help determine our mental state but it plays a major role in our overall health!  And for many of us, our second brain is sick!  In the last several decades we have seen an influx of food sensitivities in the general population.  Gluten allergies and dairy intolerance seem to be on the rise.  The terms acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), candida (yeast infections) are all conditions that are common today.  A person might begin to wonder, what is the connection?

The Gut; starts with the mouth and ends, well, at our end.  The gut is responsible for intake, digestion, absorption and elimination of the food we eat.  Sounds pretty simple, yet, there is more.  The gut is also responsible for 70 to 80 percent of the immune response in our bodies.  The health of our gut has everything to do with the function of all the systems in our body, including our brain.  An unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of diseases including diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, autism spectrum disorder, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

If you think about it, fueling this body of ours should be a top priority.  After all, we need these incredible machines in order to get through each day.  Unfortunately, the diet that our culture has embraced leaves much to be desired.  We have left the habit of eating real whole food (food in its most natural form) and replaced it with consuming stuff in boxes, in plastic packages and at fast foods restaurants all of which are stripped of their real nutrients and then preserved and fortified with stuff that I cannot even pronounce.  These processed foods are also packed with fillers like sugar, soy, wheat, corn and high fructose corn syrup (and some other things I can’t pronounce) to make a better tasting more filling, can I call it, ‘food’.

So what’s the point of all this?  Our guts are in trouble.  The natural ‘gut flora’ or balance of our gut has been horribly compromised by many things, the food we eat being primary as we consume food every day.  Also the overuse of antibiotics and other medications greatly alter the normal balance of good vs. bad bacteria in our gut.  The normal flora in our gut should be flourishing with good bacteria (probiotics) that keep the gut healthy and hold the unwanted bacteria at bay.  But, these good bacteria are choked out of our bellies by our diet and the meds we take.  As that balance is compromised and we continue to feed our gut the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) of sugar and processed foods the problem is compounded.  Our ‘out of balance’ gut is unable to work efficiently and do what it is designed to do; nourish our bodies and maintain an immune barrier, both keeping us in a healthier state.

So what do we do?  Our goal is to re-establish healthy gut flora.  This can be accomplished with the addition of fermented foods to our diet.  These foods offer the most natural form of probiotic and have been proven to help re-populate gut flora to healthy levels.  We have started making our own fermented foods.  Sauerkraut is my favorite, but, we have also made kombucha (a yummy fermented tea drink and David’s favorite), beet kvass, and we have even tried our hand at yogurt and kefir. Along with the addition of ferments, we have removed processed foods and white sugar from our home.  We’ve replaced most grain flours, especially wheat, with nut flour or other alternative gluten free flours.  We have tried to find organic or grass fed eggs and protein to fill our freezer and we go organic as much as possible on the fresh veggies and fruit that we eat. The key for us is to keep it real.  Real food that has not been altered or sugared or fortified.  Real food that was made perfectly for us to fuel these magnificent bodies that we have been gifted with.  The transition has not been a piece of cake, obviously, but the changes we feel are absolutely worth it.

Want to know more about gut health? Here is some additional reading! Feel free to contact us with any questions and/or concerns you might have concerning your gut health! 

The Gaps Diet: Natural Digestive Healing     

Dr. John Trowbridge: The Yeast Syndrome          

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